"Night of Parrot Accordion"

hosted by
Chinese Accordion Association
主办:中国手风琴学会 s
supported by
Beijing Accordion Association & Tianjin Parrot Musical Instrument Co Ltd
中国 北京 2011年4月16日
16 April 2011, Beijing, China

Parrot Children’s Accordion Orchestra
手风琴合奏    《歌声与微笑》............ .................... 谷建芬曲 王振声编配
演奏:鹦鹉儿童手风琴乐团 北京乐海振声手风琴乐团
'The Sound of Singing and Smiling' Performed by the Parrot Children’s Accordion Orchestra
and Beijing “Yue Hai Zhen Sheng” Accordion Orchestra
Zhang Zi Qiang and Wang Biyun
《老朋友进行曲》............ 泰克曲 演奏:张自强 王碧云
'March of Old Friends' by Zhang Zi Qiang (ex-president of the China Accordion Association) and his wife Wang Biyun.
Wang Dantong
儿童手风琴独奏 《回归的燕子》 Pagano \ Trognee曲
演奏:石家庄谈固小学 王丹彤(九岁)
'The Flying Back Swallows' performed by Wang Dantong, only 9 years old, from He Bei province. Wang Dantong was the
winner of the children’s pop music group in “Shanghai Spring” National Accordion Competition.

手风琴与京剧音乐 《欢聚》 李楠曲
演奏:中国戏曲学院 张斯顿 姜天博(京胡) 陈紫薇 马 爽 彭云捷(京二胡)
'Happy Reunion' with the accordions playing a very lively melody from Chinese Opera with Chinese folk music instrument Beijing opera fiddle.
Du Yinjiao and accordion students from music college of Capital University
手风琴与萨克斯管 《温柔的爱》 娜拉编配、《昨日》 郭思达编配
演奏:解放军军乐团 杜银鲛(特邀)
伴奏:首都师范大学音乐学院 岳婷婷 于晓颖 商 颖 李冠男 窦英华 陈 婧 张月明 郝静涛 鞠明希 黄 粲
Du Yinjiao is a very famous saxophone player in China. Accompanied by the accordion students from the
music college of the Capital University, he played two popular songs "Love Me Tender' and 'Yesterday'.
accordion students, Art College of Yan Bian University
手风琴与民族打击乐《浪漫之歌》 姜福顺曲 林永春编曲
演奏:延边大学艺术学院 金国振 朱艺林 王禹心 李 梅 魏春燕 陈 琦 薛茜月 杨静 董彦惠 李金谛(杖鼓)朴永春(大锣)
'The Song of Romance' performed by the girls from the Art College of Yan Bian University, looking beautiful in their brightly colored dresses.
Zhuo Shengji (left) and Wan Yizhong
演奏:上海师范大学音乐学院  万一钟 卓圣姬
Zhuo Shengji (left) and Wan Yizhong from the Music College of Shanghai Normal University
perform the very beautiful music named 'The Waltz of Melancholy'
Modern Accordion Orchestra from The Music College of Shanghai Normal University
演奏:上海师范大学音乐学院 万一钟 陈宇航 张智渊 卓圣姬 时 璇 宋 月 夏慧芬 胡梦倩 王梦薇
The Modern Accordion Orchestra from The Music College of Shanghai Normal University
is playing the 'Everlasting Melody' as the last piece of the concert.
Modern Accordion Orchestra from The Music College of Shanghai Normal University

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