Accordions Worldwide



弗金• 法索维奇

      弗金.法索维奇出生于1963年。9岁开始在Kragujevac音乐学校学习,后作为最优秀的学生进入俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院学习手风琴。毕业后师从尤.德兰加(Yu Dranga)和 V.Dolgopolov教授,取得硕士学位。除学习手风琴之外,弗金.法索维奇先生也在格涅辛音乐学院学习了指挥并毕业。

      1987年至今,弗金.法索维奇先生一直在Kragujevac 音乐学院工作,从那个时期开始,他别具一格的教学风格得到了世界各国的公认和尊重,荣获了250 多个奖项,他的学生出现在顶级的塞尔维亚和国际手风琴的各种赛事中,例如:德国克林根塔尔(Klingethal), 意大利卡斯特尔费达多(Castelfidardo ), 西班牙阿拉塞特(Arrasate),阿佐拉-索罗塔耶夫(Azzola-Zolotariov),世界杯(Coupe Mondiale), World Trophy等等。作为国际手风琴教学的领军人,他的这些成果无疑为Kragujevac 音乐学院做出了巨大贡献。


      弗金.法索维奇先生也曾经作为评委参加了很多国际比赛如:Couple Mondiale, World Trophy, Grand Prix, Arrasate, Castelfidardo, Klingenthal 的评判工作。

Vojin Vasovich

Vojin Vasovich—Serbia and Montenegro.Born in 1963. Started with music education at 9 as a pupil of Kragujevac Music School. ( After that, as one of the best pupil of R.Tomich class,he continue his accordion study at Gnesins' Academy of Music where he graduated regular and postgraduate study at classes of prof.Yu Dranga and V. Dolgopolov. Besides his accordion study Mr.Vasovic graduated as conductor from Gnesins' Academy.)

In 1987,he started to work at Kragujevac Music School, where Mr.Vasovic is working by now. (From that period he started with extraordinary pedagogue activity recognized and respected all around world and today he has more than 250 prizes his pupils took on biggest Serbian and International accordion competitions such as :Klingethal, Castelfidardo, Arrasate, Azzola-Zolotariov, Coupe Mondiale, World Trophy etc.) These results are surely the best contribution to world affirmation of Kragujevac Music School as one of world leaders in education of talented accordionists.

In 1999.Mr.Vasovic started to work at Belgrade Music Academy, department for accordion! Also he has master classes in many towns in Serbia and in Spain.

His former pupils studied and study at most important music academies in Moscow, Kiev ,Bratislava, Hannover, Duisburg, London ,Madrid and Copenhagen.

As a member of jury he took part in International competitions Couple Mondiale, World Trophy, Grand Prix, Arrasate, Castelfidardo, Klingenthal etc.


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