11 January 2008
Weekly news from around the world
  Fisitalia Blue  
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Accordion Yellow Pages  www.accordionworld.com  the worlds largest accordion yellow pages covering everything to do with the accordion - free  listings
www.search-accordion.com is a search system for accordion sites information  -  free listing
Accordion Links  www.accordionlinks.com  is the worlds largest accordion links site, for all sites accordion  -  free listing
www.MusicForAccordion.com  the largest  eSheet accordion music site with all types of accordion music, and  lots of  CD's  available,  all through highly secure bank credit card payment system


Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

第15届 Arrasate Hiria 国际手风琴比赛成功举行——西班牙

新的教学联盟机构‘Voglia D'Arte俱乐部’成立 ——意大利
苏姗娜.万斯的小说: ‘Sights’——美国
Reports of Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals etc
Veronika Todorova 喜获冠军——意大利
俄罗斯手风琴家参加年度大游行 ——英国
British College of Accordionists award the Sir James Anderton Award - UK
Future Events
Martin Lubenov 乐队的巡演时间安排——澳大利亚,法国
Alexander Shirunov to appear at NAMM Convention - USA
Marco Lo Russo 的音乐会时间安排——意大利
Frank Marocco 手风琴乐队将举行音乐会 ——美国
International Reunion
RAM 俱乐部举行大师班和音乐会 ——英国
Roberto Lucanero演奏音乐会——意大利
NAO 中北部地区手风琴锦标赛和手风琴节即将举行——英国
Renato Borghetti 四重奏组的欧洲巡演
Riccardo Tesi's 纪念从业30周年巡演——奥地利

CD Review
New and Updated Sites

An A to Z of the Accordion

大家新年好!本周的《环球手风琴》是2008年的第一期. 我们希望今年是一个手风琴音乐的丰收年! 到处都有音乐会、比赛,到处都充满节日气氛! 《环球手风琴》很高兴免费为大家报道手风琴事件,如果有什么活动,请告诉我们. 我们的email地址是:  accordion2rob@hotmail.co.uk

Editor: Rob Howard

The Accordion Yellow Pages has now been completely redesigned by Webmaster Roberto Zambelli to allow each person to add information or change their own information directly to the site. You are then asked to authenticate the information using your own email address for verification and your information is instantly online.

The Accordion Yellow Pages offers free of charge listing for every type of service for accordion businesses and individuals. So please check your own information online that to make sure it is correct and updated.
Accordion Repairs Made Easy
第15届 Arrasate Hiria 国际手风琴比赛成功举行——西班牙
供稿人:Harley Jones

第15届 Arrasate Hiria 国际手风琴比赛于2007年12月6日到9日在西班牙Mondragon的Arrasate举行. 比赛结果: Ari Lethonen (芬兰) – 第一名, Harald Oeler (德国) –第二名以及 Ivan Talanin (俄罗斯) – 第三名.

评审团成员包括:Jose Antonio Hontoria (Euskadi), Jacques Mornet (法国), Matti Rantanen (芬兰), Vojin Vasovic (塞尔维亚), Claudio Jacomucci (意大利).

(欲看照片请访问网站 www.hauspoz.org/)
Accordion Jazz Chords
新的教学联盟机构‘Voglia D'Arte俱乐部’成立 ——意大利

2007年9月27日,Renzo Ruggieri 创立了一个私立音乐学校的联盟机构‘Voglia D'Arte俱乐部’, 当天便有10 所学校加入.

CVA (Voglia D'Arte俱乐部)的教学方法是直接针对学生授课,提供一个现代的、操作性强的平台. 俱乐部所有的课程(爵士音乐、现代音乐和流行音乐) 都是原创的,由相同的教师开发的.

为初学者开设的课程允许学生根据他们的兴趣意向选课, 消除沿用至今的只学传统音乐的概念和只使用已用15年以上的方法的做法.

详情请联系email: info@renzoruggieri.it

苏姗娜.万斯的小说: ‘Sights’——美国
供稿人: Rob Howard

'Sights’ 是一本小说,它讲述了一个曾有很不幸的童年的13岁的少女的故事,他转到了一所新的中学,并交上了一些不好的朋友,他们组成了一个乐队演奏手风琴. 这个女孩有一种特殊功能,她能看出别人的未来(看不出她自己的). 这本幻想小说出版于20世纪50年代. Delacorte 出版社出版.

详情请联系 email: susanna@susannavance.com


Gary Dahl esheet

eSheet Music
Veronika Todorova 喜获冠军——意大利
供稿人:Detlef görke

2008年 “魔术师” 手风琴家Veronika Todorova迎来了开门红. 她获得了第二届Premio Leo Ceroni 手风琴比赛冠军,这个比赛于1月4日到5日在Riolo Terme near Rimini 举行,经过了两轮比赛,两轮比赛的评审团各不相同.

在由意大利爵士手风琴明星Renzo Ruggieri,任指挥的乐队 ‘String International’的伴奏下, Veronika 表演了她的爵士乐‘Tarantella Versopm’,这也是她最新一盘 CD ‘Rosso’中的曲子.

评审团成员们都是很热心的、20年前曾获一等奖的手风琴家. 在颁奖音乐会上Veronika与她的弦乐队进一步展现了她才能, 她是一位技能独奏又善于乐队演奏的音乐家.

详情请联系email: detlef.goerke@gmx.de

Finland Recordings
俄罗斯手风琴家参加年度大游行 ——英国
供稿人:Nikolai Ryskov

手风琴家Nikolai Ryskov和Igor Outkine连续第二年在伦敦的年度大游行队伍里表演,他们站在东南俄罗斯语言协会的队伍里. 该协会的成员都是Druzhba中学的教师和家长. 在游行过程中本协会排在游行队伍的第69位.
他们代表在伦敦的俄罗斯社团表演了深受欢迎的俄罗斯舞蹈和歌曲,比如: ‘Moscow Nights’, ‘Kalinka’, ‘Dark Eyes’, ‘Chyornye’, ‘Barynya’, Quadrilles, Polkas, 等等.

详情请联系email: nryskov@googlemail.com
Yuri Medianik CD's
British College of Accordionists Sir James Anderton Award - UK
Contributed by Anna Bodell - Charnwood Music

The BCA has awarded its auspicious Sir James Anderton Award for 2007 to Guy Wiley from Scotland. The award is made to the person who obtained the highest mark in Grade Six practical examinations during the year. Guy obtained a good Distinction mark in June of the year.

Guy has played the accordion for several years before taking it up seriously and enrolling with the Graham Laurie School of Music in 2001, where he has studied Classical, Continental and Scottish traditional styles of music under the guidance of his teacher Graham Laurie.

Guy seen here receiving the shield from BCA Senior Examiner, Alistair Gillespie (right) and Teacher Graham Laurie (left) currently plays lead accordion with the Ayrshire based Loudon Celidh Band.
The International Trio - CD

Fisitalia Black
Martin Lubenov 乐队的巡演时间安排——澳大利亚,法国

圣诞前夕国际巡演(包括在Lahore, Pakistan等地的国际音乐节上表演)之后,手风琴家Martin Lubenov (个人网站:http://www.martinlubenov.com/orkestar_en.htm) 与他的乐队the MLO又匆匆上路了. 这次他们主要是在澳大利亚表演,顺带在法国的斯特拉斯堡举行一场音乐会.

1月22日 – 在维也纳的Akzent中心– 同场表演的还有萨克斯表演家Wolfgang Puschnig
1月24日-在澳大利亚萨尔茨堡的Arge Kultur
1月25日 – 在法国斯特拉斯堡的Pole Sud剧院
1月26日 -在澳大利亚的Spielboden
1月27日 -在澳大利亚的Kulturschloss Traun
3月4日 - 在澳大利亚萨尔茨堡的Armutskonferenz
3月17日 -在维也纳的Literatursalon手风琴节上

详情请联系email: sabina@cultureworks.at

Alexander Shirunov to appear at NAMM Convention - USA
Contributed by Kevin Friedrich

Renowned Russian accordionist Alexander Shirunov will appear at the NAMM Convention in Anaheim, CA in January from January 17-20, 2008.

Renowned for his captivating performances displaying dazzling technical skills and musical renderings of both classical and entertainment music, Hohner Inc. invited Alexander to the NAMM Convention, as their artist in residence.

As part of his prize package for his competition success at the CIA Coupe Mondiale, Alexander Shirunov has been invited to perform several concert tours, including appearances in New Zealand, Australia, Hungary, Slovakia, Norway, Denmark, Finland and the Czech Republic.

Alexander has recently recorded his first CD - 'Absolute Shirunov.' This project was sponsored by the German based company 'Intermusik' who arranged the prize after Alexander's stunning performance at the 2005 CIA Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Accordionists in Portugal.

The NAMM Show is the largest music products trade show in United States. Held every January in Anaheim, California, USA the show brings together all facets of the music products industry. More than 80,000 NAMM Members and guests attended the January 2007 show.

Marco Lo Russo 的音乐会时间安排——意大利
供稿人:Rob Howard

意大利手风琴家和作曲家Marco Lo Russo ( 个人网站:www.marcolorusso.com) 的表演时间安排如下:

1月12日下午7:30 – 在罗马的Arsoli剧院
1月13日晚上9:00 –在罗马 Parco della Musica音乐厅
1月31日下午4:00 – 在Velletri 的 Museo Diocesano,

详情请联系 email: barbara.montanari@email.it
William Schimmel CD's
Frank Marocco 手风琴乐队将举行音乐会 ——美国
供稿人:Rob Howard

由伟大的Frank Marocco任指挥的 Frank Marocco 手风琴管弦乐队将于1月27日下午7:30在位于亚利桑那州平顶山Dobson路1666号的最好的西部Dobson牧场客栈演出, 乐队由来自15个州和加拿大2个省的54名手风琴家组成, 外加一位鼓手和一位低音吉他演奏者.

这场音乐会免费向观众开放, 演奏的乐曲有George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, John Philip Sousa及其他人的作品. 除了表演乐队音乐(其中有些由Frank Marocco改编)之外, 乐队中的有些队员还表演了独奏和二重奏.

详情请联系 email: frank-marocco-accordion-event@comcast.net


Karthause Schmuelling Musik and Media
International Winter Reunion - Macedonia
Contributed by Harley Jones

The CIA Winter Congress is to be held next week (17th - 20th January 2008) in Skopje Macedonia under the auspices of CIA members "Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika"- Skopje". Among those attending the Congress are CIA President Kevin Friedrich (USA), Vice Presidents Raymond Bodell (UK), and Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Officers Kimmo Mattila (Finland), Frederic Deschamps (France), as well as delegates from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom and Macedonia.

This is the first time a CIA Congress has been held in Macedonia. Topics to be discussed include the promotion of young accordionists around the world and future CIA Coupe Mondiale events which are to be held in Scotland (2008), New Zealand (2009), Croatia (2010) and China (2011).
eSheet Music
RAM 俱乐部举行大师班和音乐会 ——英国
供稿人:Rob Howard

1月 17日上午10:00到下午1:00、下午2:00到5:00,由塞尔维亚Kragujevac音乐学院手风琴教授主讲的大师班将在皇家音乐学院的York门进行, 听众免费入场。Vojin Vasovic教授是很多国际奖项获得者的老师.

晚上7:30将在公爵厅举行 RAM 俱乐部奖获得者音乐会. 奖参加表演的有:Milos Milivojevic – 手风琴, Zivorad Nikolic – 手风琴, Katherine Sharp – 小提琴, David O'Leary –小提琴, Ian Anderson – 中提琴 和 Jessica Hayes –大提琴. 表演的节目有Scarlatti, Berio, Vivaldi, Mendelssohn, Lindberg, Angelis, Grieg, Foskett, Piazzolla 和 Sarasate的作品.

详情请联系 email: accordion@ram.ac.uk

Roberto Lucanero 演奏音乐会——意大利

全音阶手风琴家 Roberto Lucanero 将于1月20日在第一届‘手风琴杯’ 的举办地——Versutta of San Giovanni of Casarsa, Pordenone举行音乐会. Leandro Scocco ( 低音乐器)和Maurizio Scalzo(鼓)将为Roberto Lucanero伴奏. 这个三重奏组来自Porto Recanati, 他们将表演Marche地区的民间音乐和Lucanero的原创作品.

详情请联系 email: roberto.lucanero@excelsior-accordions.it

Finland Recordings
NAO 中北部地区手风琴锦标赛和手风琴节即将举行——英国
供稿人: Richard Smith

第11届 NAO 中北部地区手风琴锦标赛 / 约克郡手风琴音乐节将与2月2日在约克郡Saltaire的Victoria大厅举行.



晚上, 来自苏格兰的Gary Blair将在庆祝同乐会上表演.

详情请联系email: committee@yamf.co.uk 
Finland Recordings
Renato Borghetti 四重奏组的欧洲巡演

BBrazilian 全音阶键钮式手风琴家和作曲家Renato Borghetti 正在进行欧洲巡演,同行的还有他的四重奏组. Borghetti 的演奏涉及很多流派, 包括来自他家乡Rio Grande do Sol的传统风格、桑巴、爵士和经典音乐. Borghetti 因发行CD ‘Gaita Ponto Com’而获得2005年 拉丁格莱美奖. Renato Borghetto四重奏组又发行了一盘新CD ‘Fandango’!.

2月6日 – 在德国UFA Fabrik , Berkin
2月7日– 在荷兰阿姆斯特丹Bimhuis
2月9日- 在荷兰 Deventer
2月10日- 在德国波恩Harmonie
2月10日- 在德国法兰克福Die Fabrik
2月12日- 在德国 Oldenburg
2月13日- 在德国汉堡Fabrik
2月14日- 在奥地利Spielboden, Dornbirn
2月15日- 在瑞士Kammgarn, Schaffhausen
2月16日- 在意大利, Sannazzaro de' Burgondi PV的SOMS剧院
2月19日- 在奥地利Altes Brauhaus Breznik, Bleiburg
2月20日– 在奥地利Die Brücke, Graz
2月21日- 在奥地利Foyer des Arts, Vöcklabruck
2月22日- 在奥地利Jazz im Sägewerk, Bad Gastein
2月23日- 在奥地利Salzhof, Freistadt
2月24日- 在奥地利维也纳Haus der Begegnung Floridsdorf,

详情请联系 email: sabina@cultureworks.at

Riccardo Tesi's 纪念从业30周年巡演——奥地利

为了纪念从事职业音乐事业 30周年, 意大利全音阶键钮式手风琴演奏家Riccardo Tesi 发行了两盘CD——一盘是独奏,另一盘是与Banditaliana共同演奏. 这两盘CD可以在与 Banditalia在奥地利巡演时用上.

3月11日-在因斯布鲁克 Treibhaus
12th – 在林茨Brucknerhaus
13th – 在维也纳Akkordeonfestival
14th – 在Krems 的Haus der Regionen,

详情请联系email: sabina@cultureworks.at

Fisitalia Black

reviewed by Renato Belardinelli

L'été indien


René Sopa (accordion)
Stefan Patry (Hammond Organ)

eSheet Music

Charnwood Graded Music
The famous Beltango group directed by Alexander Nikolic were stars at the 2007 Castelfidardo Festival in Italy and this new site selling is selling their pack of 3 CDs titled "Tradicional", "Piazzollando" and "Balkango". Sound samples are online. Music performed by Alexander Nikolic (bandoneon, accordion), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Ivana Nikolic (piano, vocal), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar) and Ljubinko Lazic (double bass) of Serbia. Purchase online using bank secure server system.
Alexander Shirunov CD forsale
Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement of 'Souvenir d'amour'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Sebastiano Cali
A new site selling three CDs titled "Viazzani Takes Stok" "Encore" and "Piazzolla Angel Suite - Bobic Liturgical Suite" with sound samples. Music recorded by Romano Viazzani of UK. Purchase online with credit card.

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Gigolino', 'La Giostra', . Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.
Peter Piccini music
Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online. 'Feelin Blue'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

History of Bayan Development: This article on the History of Bayan Development was written by Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif of Friedrich Lips Productions. The importance of the development of the bayan has had far reaching significance for all concert accordion design, manufacture and performances throughout the world.
Fisitalia Blue

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week

Accordions World Wide over 50,000  visitors per week