2006 Shanghai Spring International Accordion Festival
1st to 6th May, 2006

International Accordion Symposium Speech
Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov
4th May 2006

This text is based on Prof. Viatcheslav Semionov telling me briefly after his speech what to write here. His speech was in Russian translated to Chinese - Harley Jones.

Viatcheslav Semionov spoke of the history of development of the accordion in Russia. He paralleled that development with accordion development in the Western world and compared that with accordion development in China.

He spoke about his methodic book , as a good way to develop real results on an international level and also spoke of contemporary literature, to develop the repertoire and the instrument. This method book has just been published in Beijing and contained up to date educational materials.

Semionov said that composers, teachers, manufacturers, publicity managers, festival organizers must make sure to present our instrument in a positive way and to reach out and be more broadly based.

Semionov stressed, that his ideas expressed 40 years teaching and performing including his many years of work at the conservatory level. Semionov had enjoyed teaching many international competition winners, over 60 international level prizewinners to date, showing consistent success for the good methods of teaching.

Semionov noted that there was a lot of interest in the Russian education system, solo and chamber music, conservatory course, international competitions etc.

Thank you.
Viatcheslav Semionov