Italian Accordion Industry Information

Italian Accordion Industry Information

Written by: Press Release - Ancona Promuove, Studio Bignami
Publication: Ancona Promuove, Studio Bignami
Date written: February 2002

The Accordion - A traditional instrument for which Italy is considered a worldwide leader in quality and production.

In the manufacture of accordions, Italy undoubtedly holds an outstanding place; a position that has remained undisputed for a long period of time, thanks to the high quality of these instruments for which production first started in 1863.

Not fearing of being contradicted, one can well say that the history of the accordion has been written by the Italian manufacturers. Paolo Soprani, Mariano Dallapè, Sante Crucianelli and Silvio Scandalli (just to mention a few) are all names that have greatly contributed to the fortunes of this instrument that, ever since the turn of last century, has been making its way to the four corners of the world.

The ascent of the accordion in the realm of classical instruments, is due to a large extent to Italian manufacturers and to their skills in creating specimens of outstanding artistic and technical value.

Although over the past decade musical trends have determined a decrease in the demand for these instruments, Italian made accordions - and in particular those expressly created for professional musicians - continue to enjoy an excellent reputation. The tone of the Italian accordion is universally considered as the best currently available on the market and there is no concert performer, anywhere, who doesn't own, or hopes to own, an Italian accordion.

Even though the areas of production have remained the traditional ones (Castelfidardo, Stradella, Recanati, Loreto), technological progress has reached some companies that have gone into the production of fine electronic plus traditional accordions, with many different creative uses which has been possibile to extend with the use of MIDI devices. Instruments that have won the acclaim of experts anywhere and have carried on the old traditions, assuring a flattering primacy to still another sector of the Italian industry.

Accordions hold the second place in the line-up of Italian musical instruments exported abroad.

At present there are 30 accordion manufacturers in the province of Ancona, which employ 600 people.

The number of pieces produced is a little higher than 12.000 units, for a total value of US$11 millions, 89% of which are destined to foreign markets (European Union, USA, Japan etc.).

Studio Bignami, Press Release for Ancona Promuove Tel. +39 071 2073000
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